Essay Wring - IELTS Part-2

February 16

Some children nowadays take sports seriously while others play sports in their free time. Is this a positive or negative development? 

Sports are a vital part of a child's development. It is certain that some children take sports seriously, while others play sports in their leisure time. In my opinion, both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the best approach is to do it moderately. Points supporting my perspective are discussed in the upcoming paragraphs.

Taking sports seriously, can be a great way to develop important life skills such as discipline, teamwork, and responsibility. They may also have the opportunity to pursue a career in sports, which can be rewarding both financially and personally. However, there is a risk of burnout, stress, and pressure to perform, which can be harmful to their physical and mental health. Additionally, children who take sports too seriously may neglect other important aspects of their lives, such as academics and social relationships. Children who play sports in their free time can enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of sports without the pressure to perform. They may have more time to pursue other interests and develop a well-rounded personality.

An ideal way is to find a balance. They should be allowed to pursue their interests and passions while also being encouraged to take care of their physical and mental health. Children should be allowed to make their own choices based on their interests and abilities, and should not be pushed too hard in one direction or another may it be academics or sports. Children should have enough time for academics, social relationships, and other important aspects of their lives.

In conclusion, there is no right or wrong approach to sports. Both, taking sports seriously and playing sports in free time have their pros and cons. The best approach is to strike a balance that allows children to pursue their interests and develop important life skills while also pursuing academics and maintaining their physical and mental health. 

February 11

The preventing and reducing global environmental damage lies with the politicians, as there is very little that individuals can do about this. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The issue of global environmental damage is a pressing concern that requires immediate action. It is undoubtedly true that while individuals can make small contributions to the cause, the responsibility to prevent and reduce environmental damage ultimately lies with politicians. I agree with this to a significant extent. Points supporting my agreement are elaborated below.

The political leaders are in a unique position to implement large-scale changes that can have a meaningful impact on the environment. They have the power to pass laws and regulations that can regulate the actions of industries that are significant contributors to environmental damage. For instance, they can create laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases or enforce stricter regulations for deforestation. Furthermore, financial incentives to individuals and businesses that take environmentally friendly actions can be provided. For example, offering tax credits to individuals and businesses who use renewable energy sources or sustainable practices.

Moreover, politicians can play a crucial role in international negotiations that can impact the environment. They can push for global agreements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or to protect endangered species. They can also provide financial aid to countries that are struggling with environmental challenges, allowing them to implement policies that protect the environment. However, this is not to say that individuals cannot make any contributions towards preventing and reducing environmental damage. Individuals can make a significant difference by making environmentally conscious decisions, such as reducing their carbon footprint or reducing plastic usage.

In conclusion, the responsibility to prevent and reduce environmental damage lies primarily with politicians as they have the power and resources to implement changes that can have a significant impact. However, individuals can also play a crucial role in the fight against environmental damage by making mindful decisions in their daily lives. It is essential for both politicians and individuals to work together towards protecting the environment for future generations. 


