Cue Cards for IELTS Speaking 2023

Describe something that you did with someone or a group of people 


First Idea

Something that instantly comes to my mind when asked about doing things with a group of people is cleaning the home during the new year time. On an ordinary day cleaning is done mostly by maids. However, whenever it is New Year time my mother expects that each one of us clean every corner of our home together. So it is the entire family with whom I do the activity of home cleaning. It takes us approximately 15 to 20 days to complete the task of cleaning the entire home and decorating it.

There are many reasons why we do this together. The first reason is that it is everybody’s responsibility to keep the home clean and clutter free. The second reason is that most of us get leave during the festival season and this is the time to utilise it well, in cleaning and organising our abode. Additionally, if we do the activity of cleaning together then it is more enjoyable and it brings the family closer and the work also becomes faster. When all of us indulge into cleaning each one of us also realise the importance of house work.

Whenever we do this cleaning activity together we always have a plan and a deadline. It is my mother who assigns different duties to us and we do it diligently without any arguments or issues. Sometimes it does happen that we fight for not doing certain kind of work but overall it is fun and one another way to exercise. At times when we are very tired at the end of the day we order food from outside and enjoy the meal together. 

Although, it is a very tiresome activity we look forward to do this task together because it brings our family close and we learn to respect and appreciate the place where we live. Sometimes we think about these times and laugh at each other and ourselves as well. Apart from cleaning there are other activities which I do together with my family and that is taking certain important decisions, going out on holidays and vacations, eating a meal together on Sundays and praying to God on important occasions.

Second Idea  

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 This is just an idea. Use similar sentences from the first idea with changed cues from the second idea.

Follow Up Questions

Please note that these follow up questions are just a guesswork. The examiner is free to ask you any follow up questions depending upon your response in the cue card. Do not be dependent on any single book. Think about more possible questions that the examiner can ask you

There is no such preference. I guess doing activities in a group would be more enjoyable for me rather than doing it in a group. Doing things with a variety of people also teaches us so much. 

Yes, I think there are many benefits. We learn teamwork and cooperation. We also learn how to understand needs and emotions of others and to manage our own feelings. One very important thing to be learnt is sharing with others which can only be learnt in a group. 

Yes, they are reducing to a great extent. I am not sure of the main reason but I think that social media is the major cause. By engaging in activities in social media people feel that they are social but in reality that is virtual and artificial.  

I would not like to comment anything on other cultures. My country’s culture is collectivist but I am observing that gradually it is getting converted into an individualist culture as well. People are becoming loners and constantly engaging in social media. 

A good team member is cooperative and sensitive to the needs of others. This person should be liked and welcomed by all ad should be a pleasant company. A team is a whole of the part and the members should be dedicated towards the team and its objective. 

Describe a person you would like to study or work with


First Idea

I am a kind of a person who normally likes to do things alone. Whether it is work or study, travelling or any other activity I enjoy doing it all by myself. I cherish my own company. However there is one special person with whom I would love to study or work with and also do any other activities. That person is my brother and his name is XYZ.

Well, why I would prefer the company of my brother over others for study or work, it is because of certain qualities that he possesses. He is a very meticulous and methodical individual. He works with a targeted plan. I have never seen anyone as industrious as him. Not only a hard worker himself but also a task master for others. I am sure that if I study or work with him then I will learn new things and reach new heights in life.

Moreover, he is also very creative and open minded. He likes to explore new ways of working and achieving life goals. He is very witty and has an enthusiastic persona. If I have a choice about what to study I will prefer to do some new short term course with him. It could be anything like coding or video editing. 

As far as work is concerned I would love to start a new venture with him maybe a cafe or a snack bar would do wonders as both of us are foodies and we also have good managerial skills. Normally on any ordinary day we are always arguing with each other and are found pulling each other’s legs or fighting for petty things but when it comes to study and work together we definitely make a great pair together.

Second Idea  

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This is just an idea. Use similar sentences from the first idea with changed cues from the second idea.

Follow Up Questions

Please note that these follow up questions are just a guesswork. The examiner is free to ask you any follow up questions depending upon your response in the cue card. Do not be dependent on any single book. Think about more possible questions that the examiner can ask you

A good business partner should be trustworthy and reliable. This person should be creative, like minded and open to new ideas. He should be mature enough to clear the misunderstanding if it occurs. 

I think one should study alone. It helps one concentrate and frees one of distractions. It is a good idea to discuss what we study in groups but the act of studying should happen alone only. 

I don’t see any major advantages. Studying in a group is a matter of distraction and it also wastes our time. However, when I think of some advantages, I guess we can benefit from the knowledge of other people. 

Wastage of time, distraction from studies, and comparison without any reason are some major disadvantages.  Apart from this, we have to study what others study. Our pace may not match with others and we may not follow everything as per the group. 

Well, this is a tricky question. Business partnerships are very sensitive and most of the times they break. One has to learn to let go and be open to different opinions and style of working. Both the partners have to be determined to make the partnership work.

Describe a place or a country where you would like to live/work for a short time


First Idea

I have never thought about this because mostly when we think of work we think of permanence. We hardly think of working somewhere for a short time. This is really a thought provoking question. I guess the country where I would like to work for a short time is Finland. Finland is a European country located in the northern part of Europe near Sweden and Norway. 

I would like to go there during the summer, around the months of May to July. As it is an extremely cold country, summer would be the best time to visit. Climate in summer would be the warmest and days would be the longest. The tourist facilities would also be at its peak. 

I would like to do the job of a teacher in Finland. I would be happy to teach anything in school at least for two to three weeks. Whatever I may be good at a subject or a skill anything. Why I would like to work there is because once I had read about the educational system of Finland and I was very impressed with it. I felt that the experience of teaching in Finnish schools would be really meaningful and enriching even if it is for a shorter duration. Finland believes in pressure free learning. 

They believe in cooperation and not competition. Furthermore, the educational system firmly believes in making the academic foundation strong by teaching the basics. All the children are treated equally and they receive individual guidance from the teachers. What more can a student as for? Some other interesting reasons to work temporarily in Finland is that it is the happiest country in the world. It is famous for its stunning and picturesque Lapland, the northern lights and it is also believed to be the home for Santa Claus.   

Second Idea  

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This is just an idea. Use similar sentences from the first idea with changed cues from the second idea.

Follow Up Questions

Please note that these follow up questions are just a guesswork. The examiner is free to ask you any follow up questions depending upon your response in the cue card. Do not be dependent on any single book. Think about more possible questions that the examiner can ask you

Mostly, the developed countries like US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many European countries are preferred by people to seek professional employment. For education also the developed countries are considered ideal.   

Basically, everyone is looking for a comfortable and easy life. The quality of life is easier in developed nations and there is more income against the inputs. Furthermore, individuals are valued for their services and there is also a dignity of labor. Therefore, more and more people choose to work in developed nations.

In a globalized world all the kinds of jobs are important and required. However, technical jobs are always popular across the globe. It also depends what kind of nation it is. For example, India is an agricultural country, Denmark has lots of dairy industries and countries like U S and U K are advanced in information and technology. Thus, jobs are prevalent according to the nations. 

Yes, of course. It is very important. Employees who settle into a long term position are likely to achieve their career goals and this in turn can positively affect their personal lives and financial situations. 

If I am unemployed then first I will try my best to seek another job. I would also make efforts to improve my skills and capacities. If I still cannot manage to find employment I will not hesitate to learn new things and change my area of work. It is the need of the hour to keep learning and being the jack of all trades.




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Dr. Swati Joshi, PhD

Founder, Best IELTS & English Academy, Gujarat, India